Toothaches in Children - MySmile
Kids Friendly

Toothaches in Children

Whether young or not, your teeth should not hurt without reason. Find out here what it means when a child experiences toothaches.
How Young Kids Can Achieve Pearly White Teeth - A step-by-step Guide - MySmile
Kids Friendly

How Young Kids Can Achieve Pearly White Teeth - A step-by-step Guide

Young kids can only care for oral health well with appropriate and sufficient adult teaching. So, here is a step-by-step guide for parents to ensure this responsibility effectively.
How Much Sugar is Too Much for Kids? - MySmile
Kids Friendly

How Much Sugar is Too Much for Kids?

Sugar is one of the most harmful components to our teeth, especially to children. Dive into these facts to be aware of how much your child can consume in a day. 
How to Use Whitening Strips Safely with Kids - MySmile
Kids Friendly

How to Use Whitening Strips Safely with Kids

Whiten the teeth of your kids without worrying about harm. Learn these tips, and you will surely keep your child's teeth safe and bright. 
Water Pick: A Superior Way to Floss Your Teeth - MySmile

Water Pick: A Superior Way to Floss Your Teeth

Regular flossing is one of the best ways to keep your teeth healthy and free of plaque, but if you're looking for an even more superior way to floss, a water pick may be just what you need. Water p...