What Type of Mouthwash Is Best to Use? - MySmile

What Type of Mouthwash Is Best to Use?

Cleaning your teeth and keeping your mouth smelling good requires dental solutions like mouthwash. However, due to many variations, people may get confused about what kind is effective. So, to gras...
Toothbrush Heads Replacement MySmile
Fresh Breath

Why Changing Toothbrush Heads Matter

Our toothbrush heads are worn out after months of usage. Now, why do you think it is crucial to replace them regularly? To give you ideas, dive into this blog for facts.
Eating Disorders and Oral Health - MySmile
Cracked Tooth

Eating Disorders and Oral Health

Eating is fun, not unless you have eating disorders. This condition disrupts physical, mental, and oral health, making it more alarming. To understand more, check out this blog for more facts about...
Why Choose a Teeth Whitening Pen? - MySmile
Bright Smile

Why Choose a Teeth Whitening Pen?

Keep the brightness of your pearly whites using a teeth-whitening pen. Have you heard of it? Do you know how effective it is? If not, then check this log out to find some facts.
The Ultimate Guide to Self-care and Oral Health for Students - MySmile
Dental Care

The Ultimate Guide to Self-care and Oral Health for Students

Learn about the importance of self-care and oral health, and how you can stay ahead in this busy student life. Discover tips such as chewing sugar-free gums, avoiding sugary drinks, brushing daily ...
Balancing Books and Brushing - MySmile
Dental Tools

Balancing Books and Brushing

In a world full of responsibilities and priorities, one thing we often forget is performing our dental hygiene routine. Now, how can we become academically promising while achieving good oral healt...
Debunking the Myth of E-cigarettes as 'Safer' Alternative - MySmile
Damage Teeth and Gums

Debunking the Myth of E-cigarettes as 'Safer' Alternative

Do you want to discover the reality behind the supposed 'safety' of e-cigarettes? Well, check and read this blog to satisfy your needs.
Facts About Oral Health and Secondhand Smoke - MySmile
Bad Breath

Facts About Oral Health and Secondhand Smoke

We all know that smoking is harmful to physical and oral health. However, we are not only urging smokers to change for themselves but also for others because the smoke they produce contains more ha...
The Power of Positive Habits - MySmile
Oral Health

The Power of Positive Habits

Incorporating positive oral health habits will bear good results. You will surely achieve and benefit from these routines in the long run. Would you like to know why? Then check this blog and grasp...