Oral thrush is caused by the rapid growth of a fungus called Candida. Based on Scotland's National Health Service Information Service, with this infection, one may experience white patches (plaques) in the mouth, loss of taste or an unpleasant taste in the mouth, redness inside the mouth and throat, cracks at the corners of the mouth, and also a painful, burning sensation in the mouth. Further, factors that cause oral thrush include poor dental hygiene, smoking, certain medications, and even dry mouth. And now, to learn how to combat the infection, here are three ways you can try.

How to Combat Oral Thrush
Edibles and beverages high in sugar can trigger or contribute to the overgrowth of the group of fungi called Candida. Other factors include eating processed foods often, alcohol intake, and smoking. By avoiding these factors, you can create a less favorable environment for the fungus to thrive, reducing the chances of oral thrush developing or worsening.
Now that you have learned some facts about combating oral thrush, may you apply them in reality, telling your loved ones so they can also benefit. For more information and tips to achieve a healthier and whiter smile, comment below to reach out.